Sunday, November 19, 2006

2nd Annual Walk for Grace

Hi Everyone,

Seems as though I did not post my blog from Nov. 8 (Busy, Busy...) properly so I just posted it again. Hopefully now everyone can view it.

I had an emotional weekend, will blog about it tomorrow when I'm feeling stronger, but for now I just wanted to draw your attention to our upcoming fundraiser for brain tumour research. The 2nd Annual Walk for Grace will be held on Sat. Dec. 2nd. Please visit and go to the fundraiser tab to read all the details. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Again, sorry for the bland blog... just so tired and I like to write when I'm able to view life as "glass half full"... tonight is one of those "glass half empty" nights.

Will be in touch soon.

Mama misses you baby.


Blogger Parker said...

Hi Les,

Hope that you are feeling a bit better from the week-end. Try to keep your head up. It is very natural for you to have moments that seem unbearable and difficult. If there is anything I can do, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Thinking of you,


4:00 p.m.  
Blogger Jacqueline said...

Your strength is one of the many things I have always admired about you. People never dream that they will experience such sadness, such pain. In a dark cloud you have chosen to see the light shining through it. Each day that you write you give strength to those who need it whether or not they realise it. Suddenly you find yourself learning to appreciate the smaller things in life and chose to ignore the trivial things we can normally dwell on. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, your words. Your strength is truly amazing.

2:00 p.m.  

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