Friday, July 07, 2006

At Home Chemo

Hi Everyone,

Sorry I've been out of touch for so long but over the last month we have started Grace's new chemo as well as fit in a move (packing, unpacking setting up all our new services etc) which has kept us busy, busy, busy. Good news is that Grace has been on her new chemo and hormone for 3 weeks and has been tolerating it very well. Her counts have been excellent which has allowed her restrictions post BMT to decrease quite a bit. The only noticable side effects have been pimples around her month, dry skin, a little more tired and changes in her BM's. We go to Credit Valley Hospital once a week for a finger poke to get her counts (just WBC, RBC and platlets) and Sick Kids once a month for more in depth blood work. She is on a 3 month MRI schedule which means she will be scanned on July 25th. We are very anxious about this scan as I'm sure we will be about every scan so please continue to pray that it remains clear of disease. For now it is enjoying summer like any other family would (outside of the med schedule of course). We are thrilled to be home!!

We are at Sick Kids for in depth bloodwork next week. I'll let you know how it goes.

Take care,


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