Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas Day

Hi Everyone,

We'll I continue to blog although I'm not sure if people still read. I only received a couple of storeys of Grace which was disappointing but maybe most who still read never met Grace or maybe few still read... not sure. Either way I enjoyed the storeys that I did receive, thank-you.

Christmas day was more joyful this year than last due to the addition of Eli. He is truly such a blessing in helping me survive. Although at times hard because I occasionally feel like I'm "spent" and he needs more, the joys far out weigh the difficulties and how I often accredit Grace with saving me from materialism and selfishness, Eli saves me from my grief becoming debilitating. Although at less than 2 months he was very much unaware of the significance of the day, Ian and I enjoyed unwrapping his gifts (that we had previously purchased and wrapped), acting surprised and then making a full photo session out of each trial run of each new item.

I hope your holidays were happy and I wish you all good health for 2008.

Our prayers are with our friends the Nixon's as Derrick continues to fight in hospital.

Mama misses you baby.


Blogger Terri said...

Happy New Year Lesley!! I never met Grace in person but I have been reading your blog for quite some time so I feel as though I did "know" her very well. Unfortunately, I have no stories to share but I thank God for you & your family every day & the stories that you have so bravely & unselfishly shared with the world. Your stories have helped me become a stronger person & a better mother. All the very best for you & your family in 2008!!

10:06 a.m.  
Blogger Jessica said...


Although i never had the wonderful good fortune of meeting Grace, I have been following your blog steadily for several months. I know how both you and Ian must be feeling the void of Graces' physical presence in your life, but am at least happy to know that you are finding joy in the day to day parenting of your baby boy. I just want you to know that I think of Grace often, and that she has taught me not to sweat the small stuff and to enjoy every single day i have with my kids. I will always be grateful to her for that. Wishing you and Ian all the best in 2008.

Jessica Williams (past st elizabeth's mom)

P.S... reading your blog inspired me to start my own several months ago about what its like to raise a special needs child. Thanks so much for that.

10:22 a.m.  

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